Faculty Recognition

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Faculty Recognition

Faculty may also be recognized through school-specific awards, organizations, and societies, including but not limited to the following:

School of Dentistry

In 1987, at the recommendation of Dean John H. Hembree, the University of Mississippi School of Dentistry developed comprehensive rating instruments for students to evaluate their classes and instructors. It is known as the John Hembree Society.

School of Medicine

The Carl G. Evers, MD, Society was established in the School of Medicine as an honorary and service organization. It comprises medical students from all four years, each elected by the members of his or her class. Awards are presented at a ceremony each year.

School of Nursing

The DAISY Faculty Award Honorees personify the School of Nursing at the University of Mississippi Medical Center’s remarkable impact on students and, therefore, patients. These faculty members consistently demonstrate excellence through their clinical expertise and extraordinary compassionate care, and they are recognized as outstanding role models in our nursing community.